Response to Sullivan Campaign allegations

It has come to my attention, that John Tidwell, a member of John Sullivan’s campaign, has alleged that Nathan Dahm “bought” my endorsement. This allegation is based on the fact that Nathan Dahm hired me in March, to help him with his social media campaign. The truth is, however, that the decision to offer my services to Nathan Dahm was made AFTER I had decided to endorse him.

In fact, if you will look at my posts over the last year and a half, there was NEVER a chance that I would endorse John Sullivan in this race. He tried to get on the list to speak at the Real Tax Day Tea Party in 2009, but I refused to allow him, because, at the time, he refused to address his vote for TARP. When I wouldn’t let him speak, Cris Kurtz, of the USA patriots, stepped in and made him the Frontline speaker at the KRMG hosted, sham Tea Party.

In the mean time, I was introduced to Nathan Dahm at the Flag Day Tea Party, and became a strong supporter of his campaign, after spending a significant amount of time hanging out with him at the Freedom 21 conference, held in OKC, in August of last year.

I have been approached by several candidates for office, during this election season, and have been hired by a few, to run their social media campaigns. However, I did not agree to work for ANYONE, before I had decided first, that they were the candidate that I was endorsing in their race.

Letter from the Tulsa 9-12 Project to KFAQ About the USA Patriots & John Sullivan

Gadsden Flag
Image by Fresh Conservative via Flickr

Politics makes strange bed fellows

In an effort to mislead voters, John Sullivan claimed in a letter sent to constituents that he had “received the endorsement of the Tulsa Tea Party in this election.”  FYI:  There is NO Tulsa Tea Party.  Tulsa Tea Party
disbanded October 2009, with its members directed to Tulsa 912 Project and OKforTEA.

Tulsa now has OKforTEA and the USA Patriots as their choices for Tea Party associations.  As the Tulsa Tea
Party disbanded last October, Tulsa Tea Party, Tulsa 912 Project and OKforTEA, worked together to create a smooth transition for the members involved.

People often ask why the TEA Parties in Tulsa can’t unite and work together. Tulsa 912 Project is not a Tea Party but shares similar values and goals of most conservative organizations involved in the Tea Party movement.  Having worked with Tulsa Tea Party and OKforTEA and having had dealings with the
USA Patriots, I can say the reason they can’t work together is differences of opinion and motivation.  Most are involved out of concern for our country, others are in it for the money.  Tulsa 912 recognizes the
importance of unity and works well with the other grassroots organizations. Efforts have been made by OKforTEA and Tulsa 912 to work with Cris and Mike Kurtz, founders of USA Patriots and owners of Kurtz Design, to no avail.  The Kurtz’s initial intentions were probably good as they rode the wave of
public anger as the Tea Parties began to form.  Then they saw an opportunity to capitalize on the movement.  (Please note, I am all about capitalism… just be honest and straightforward about what you’re doing.)  OKforTEA approached the Kurtz’s in regard to working together to provide one Tax Day Tea Party for Tulsa, they were turned down.   But I digress …

Sullivan is intentionally misleading people to believe that the conservative, grassroots organizations are behind him, when in fact the true grassroots organizations considers him part of the problem (establishment), and not the solution.

The letter further states,

“The Tulsa Tea Party, organized by the USA Patriots group in Tulsa have helped shape the political arguments in many state races this year.”

Once again, a misleading statement.

The USA Patriots did NOT organize the Tulsa Tea Party and the only political argument I can see they have shaped, is getting Ruth Hartje to run for Treasurer and their spectacle of an event, “Tea Party Congress,” where, according to their website (,

“all U.S., Statewide, Judicial and County Candidates are invited to a Congress of members and interested Tea Party activists. Each candidate will have an opportunity to address our Tea Party Congress. “

Tom Coburn and John Sullivan were top billing (no surprise there).  We know how that turned out. Not everyone was allowed to speak.  The bias of the USA Patriots and the behavior of its members was even noticed by news reporters.

For the record, *John Sullivan is endorsed ONLY by the USA Patriots*.

Tulsa 912 Project, through a vote of our members decided to NOT endorse any candidates as an organization.  OKforTEA made the same decision.   As individuals we may do as we wish.

Jai Blevins, founder of Tulsa Tea Party has selected his list of who he is endorsing, on his blog John Sullivan’s name is nowhere on there.  Hmmmmm… and yet, Tulsa Tea Party endorsed him?

Lies, lies and more lies. With this letter came a copy of “Community Spirit’s Political Endorsement,” another attempt to mislead his constituents into believing the Christian based magazine endorsed him as their candidate.  Correct me if I’m wrong but that is a paid ad made to look like an endorsement.

Special thanks to the 912 member that made me aware of this mailing.  She received it on Friday afternoon and was hopping mad about the lies and wanted to know what I was going to do about it.  The people are no longer ignorant voters.  We recognize smoke being blown up our skirts and we don’t like it.  Deceiving the public is never good; truth always wins.

Ronda Vuillemont-Smith
Tulsa 912 Project

When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat. ~ Ronald

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The writers of Okie Pundit are RINOs, LIARS, and COWARDS! Oh My!

Seal of Oklahoma.
Image via Wikipedia

I have HAD IT!! The writers of Okie Pundit are RINOs, LIARS, and COWARDS!!!!

I know those are strong words, and you will all want me to back these words up. So, I am going to enumerate why I believe that all three of these accusations are true!

First, Okie Pundit is a bunch of RINOs! They support  Bailout voting RINOs Mary Fallin, Tom Cole, and John Sullivan. Whether there has been an official endorsement, or not, by reading their posts, you will find this to be True!

2nd, they are a bunch of Liars! They have posted numerous untrue allegations against Liberty Candidates, such as Randy Brogdon, and RJ Harris. Like this one about Brogdon, which was completely debunked in this story by independent new source KOTV 6 in Tulsa. And this one, about RJ Harris, which Harris himself responds to in this statement!

3rd, They are COWARDS! They hide behind pseudonyms, while making attacks on candidates across the state, who stand for Liberty and the Constitution! Here is their official statement, taken from their “blog”. is a conservative blog written by several long-time Oklahomans.  If you don’t like our anonymity, then you don’t need to read us.  (The last sentence applies primarily to the politicians who throw fits when we’re critical of them).

In other words, we want to write stuff about people, but we don’t want to be held accountable for it!

Now, they are also, very hypocritical, because in their rules for commenting, they include these statements,

Do not flame.
“Flame” v. A broad term describing a set of aggressive, insulting and often derogatory behaviors.

You may not post anything obscene, pornographic, vulgar, slanderous, harassing, threatening, inappropriate, or that which may violate any applicable laws, or that which is a personal attack or personal insult to another. (emphasis added by me.)

Hmmmm… I guess they believe in the “Do what I say, not what I do” theory!

Anyway, the group of “writers” that post on Okie Pundit, are a bunch of Lying, Cowardly, RINOs! I REALLY hope they read this, and I boldly ask that EVERYONE who reads this, PLEASE REPOST IT! I am tired of “bloggers” and “journalists” who hide behind pseudonyms, in order to make attacks on others. If you are going to say something about someone, at least have the courage to use your real name!

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Tulsa Tea party Founder Endorsements for the July 27th GOP Primary!

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr

I have been asked numerous times for a Comprehensive list  of my endorsements in the July 27th GOP Primaries, as the founder of the Tulsa Tea Party.  So, I have put together this list of candidates that,  I believe, best embody the ideals of the  Tea Party Movement. In some of the races,  such as US Congress District 2, there were several quality candidates to choose from. In others, such as the Governor’s Race,  the choice is very clear. If a race is not listed here, it means that, either, I do not know enough about the candidates in the race, or that none of the candidates, in that race, fit the ideals of smaller Government, and opposition to all Federal Government Bailouts of  Private Industry, that the Tea Party Movement was founded upon.

So, here are my endorsements:

Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma

John Wright for Lt. Governor of Oklahoma

Scott Pruitt for Attorney General

Nathan Dahm for US House OK District 1

Dan Arnett for US House OK District 2

RJ Harris for US House OK District 4

James Lankford for US House OK District 5

David Mclain for Oklahoma Senate District 10

Tim Coager for Oklahoma Senate District 34

David Tackett for Wagoner County Commissioner District 1

Ken Yazel for Tulsa County Tax Assessor

Drew Rees for Tulsa County Commissioner District 3

Brogdon Commercial: Back to Basics

Another GREAT Campaign Commercial from Randy Brogdon!!

Race Tightening for GOP Governor Nomination in Oklahoma!

Image by sroemerm via Flickr

For Immediate release

July 22, 2010

Contact: Rick Carpenter 918-638-6722

GOP Governors Race Tightens

Fallin 37%, Brogdon 26%, Undecided 37%

A survey conducted this week by the Brogdon campaign shows a considerable tightening in the GOP race for Governor. The phone survey was automated and asked participants to push a button with the corresponding choice of Mary Fallin, Randy Brogdon and Undecided.

The survey asked few questions, therefore no crosstabs are available. Brogdon Communications Director Rick Carpenter, who conducted the survey, said “Although the survey was not deep in its reach, it was broad. These numbers are based on over 12,000 complete responses from voters representatively distributed across the state. That is the largest sample of any poll made public.”

A similar survey conducted 6 weeks ago by the Brogdon campaign but not released publicly, showed Brogdon: 11%, Fallin: 36%, and Undecided: 53%. Since then Brogdon has gained 15% while Fallin has been statistically flat. “Not every campaign can afford a DC polling firm, we have to make-do,” said Carpenter. “However, this is an accurate snapshot of where the horserace is right now. They might not admit it, but the Fallin campaign knows its true.”

Candidate Randy Brogdon said he always knew his message would move voters, and “as awareness of the race has grown so has our support. I have seen it at our campaign events and in the number of volunteers showing up to help.” Brogdon continued, “a lot of people have burned up a lot of shoe rubber and its making up for a lot of money we just don’t have. Also, many voters are just becoming aware of Rep. fallin’s support for the banking bailout.”

Brogdon said he has always felt he was going to win because “the Lord has called me to this task.” Brogdon credits part of his success to the fact that his campaign has been more issue oriented, and that he has been a more accessible candidate than his opponent, “I’ve shown up anywhere people will listen and I have stayed until the crowd runs out of questions.” However, most of the credit goes to thousands of volunteers. “I am going to have a lot of people to thank on election night and none of them will be lobbyists or their checkbooks,” concluded Brogdon.

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The PERFECT Explanation of the Illegal Immigration Debate!

Protest by the Tea Parties Against Amnesty and...
Image by Fibonacci Blue via Flickr
A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials In ages!!!  It explains things better than all
The baloney you hear on TV.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place Across the country protesting the fact that Congress Is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that The US might protect its own
Borders, might make it harder To sneak into this country and, Once here, to stay indefinitely.

Let me see if I correctly understand The thinking behind these protests.
Let’s say I break into your house.
Let’s say that when you discover Me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, ‘No! I like it here. It’s better than my house. I’ve made all
The beds and washed the Dishes and did the laundry And swept the floors. I’ve Done all the things you don’t Like to do. I’m hard-working
And honest
(except for when I broke into your house)

According to the protesters:

You are Required to let me stay in your house

You are Required to feed me

You are Required to add me to your family’s insurance plan

You are Required to Educate my kids

You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family

(my husband will do all of your yard work because He is also hard-working and honest, except for that
Breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your House carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.

It’s only fair, after all, because you have A nicer house than I do, and I’m just
Trying to better myself.  I’m a hard-working And honest, person, except for well, You know, I did break into your house
, And what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a Fraction of the cost of my keep, and
There is nothing you can
do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! So you can
Communicate with me.

Why can’t people see how ridiculous This is?

Only in America .

If you agree, pass it on (
in English )..
Share it if you see the value of  it.

If not blow it off………

Along with your future Social Security
Funds, and a lot of other things.


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Prank Calls

emblem of the Hitler Youth
Image via Wikipedia

Last night, at 1130pm, I received a telephone call.  When I looked at the number, it said “blocked”. So, I didn’t answer. But, they left me a voice mail. So, I listened to it. The first thing I heard was some giggling. Sounded a lot like stoned, or drunk Frat boys.

The voicemail went something like this:

Hi, (huh, huh) I’m trying to reach the Tulsa Tea Party (huh, huh) I called the other one, but they are out of Hitler Youth sign ups. (giggle, huh, huh). So, please call me back at 555 Go F*** yourself! (Huh, Huh, giggle)

Of course, I have grown accustomed to these, as well as the vile attacks in the media, as well as on Twitter, Facebook, and Email. However, I haven’t had a Prank call in a long time, so I thought I would share this one with all of my loyal readers! I think this just goes to show, that we are having an impact, even on the Stoner Frat Boys, who think it’s cool to be Socialist, but don’t understand that Fascism is closer to Socialism than it is to Capitalism!

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Some Interesting Speeches from Mary Fallin

Official U.S. House of Representatives photo o...
Image via Wikipedia

Here are some sound bites from Bailout voting RINO Mary Fallin. If you are still a Mary Fallin supporter after listening to all of these, then you are NOT a Conservative! You are a Big Government loving, Nanny State teet sucking Liberal! (The opinions expressed in this blog DO represent the feelings and opinions of the author and founder of the Tulsa Tea Party!)

Especially listen closely to the last video around the 4 minute mark, when she says that the Constitution is the “easy way out.”

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Nathan Dahm for US Congress Oklahoma District 1

This is Nathan Dahm’s Commercial in the Oklahoma 1st Congressional District Primary Race!