What is an acceptable tip when you go out to eat? Most of us go out to eat at full service restaurants on a semi-regular basis. However, many dont have a clue as to what to tip a waiter who dorea a ready good job. Well, let me break it down for you. Most waiters get paid the federal minimum wage for a tipped employee, $ 2.13 per hour. So, they depend on tips to earn a living. Also, they must share the tips with the bus boy, bartender, dishwasher, food runner, and various support staff. That amount is calculated as a percentage of the waiters sales. For instance, if a waiter does $ 500 in sales during their shift, they will usually have to give up approximately 5% of that to the support staff, or $ 25 of the tips they made that night. If, as some, have said, you only tip 10%, then the waiter will have given up half of their tips, meaning they will only have made $ 25 on a typical 6 hour shift. Think about that. That is less than $ 5 per hour! So, at the very least, you should tip 15%, if you receive acceptable service. If you get great service, from a very personable waiter, then it should be a minimum of 20%. If that is unacceptable to you, then you should not go to a full service restaurant to eat. Period.

#followfriday @FTMDaily @RetirementOK @OKNewMEdia 3 top notch new Businesses Starting up in #Tulsa #Oklahoma

#followfriday @FTMDaily @RetirementOK @OKNewMEdia 3 top notch new Businesses Starting up in #Tulsa #Oklahoma

– The day shouldn’t be about analyzing how far black people still have to go to achieve “The Dream.” Rather, it should be a celebration of how far the nation has distanced itself from the nightmare.

#followfriday @FTMDaily @RetirementOK @OKNewMEdia 3 top notch new Businesses Starting up in #Tulsa #Oklahoma

#followfriday @FTMDaily @RetirementOK @OKNewMEdia 3 top notch new Businesses Starting up in #Tulsa #Oklahoma

Comic for December 29, 2010 – http://pulsene.ws/Bv8x

Comic for December 25, 2010 – http://pulsene.ws/AhOg

Stop Dreaming About Killing Your Boss (or How to “Manage Up” for a Happier Workplace) [Managing The Boss] – http://pulsene.ws/CphY