Tulsa Tea party Founder Endorsements for the July 27th GOP Primary!

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr

I have been asked numerous times for a Comprehensive list  of my endorsements in the July 27th GOP Primaries, as the founder of the Tulsa Tea Party.  So, I have put together this list of candidates that,  I believe, best embody the ideals of the  Tea Party Movement. In some of the races,  such as US Congress District 2, there were several quality candidates to choose from. In others, such as the Governor’s Race,  the choice is very clear. If a race is not listed here, it means that, either, I do not know enough about the candidates in the race, or that none of the candidates, in that race, fit the ideals of smaller Government, and opposition to all Federal Government Bailouts of  Private Industry, that the Tea Party Movement was founded upon.

So, here are my endorsements:

Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma

John Wright for Lt. Governor of Oklahoma

Scott Pruitt for Attorney General

Nathan Dahm for US House OK District 1

Dan Arnett for US House OK District 2

RJ Harris for US House OK District 4

James Lankford for US House OK District 5

David Mclain for Oklahoma Senate District 10

Tim Coager for Oklahoma Senate District 34

David Tackett for Wagoner County Commissioner District 1

Ken Yazel for Tulsa County Tax Assessor

Drew Rees for Tulsa County Commissioner District 3

Nathan Dahm’s Oath to Oklahoma

This is a .jpg image (800 X 260 X 300) that I ...
Image via Wikipedia

As a servant of the people of Oklahoma, by representing them in the U.S. Congress, I swear to faithfully uphold the Constitution and execute my office by committing to the following principles:

1I pledge to serve the people as their Representative in the U.S. House for a maximum of three terms (6 years) after which I will step aside and allow someone else the honor of serving the people in that capacity.

2I pledge to refuse participation in the Congressional health care plan, retirement plan, and any other tax-funded benefits plan or package.

3I pledge to never commit U.S. troops to any conflict I would not be willing to fight for myself, will only commit troops after Congress has voted on a declaration of war; and upon my vote in favor of war, will resign my position in order to enlist in the armed forces.

4I pledge to vote against any infringement on the people’s right to both keep and bear arms and will work to repeal legislation that infringes upon those rights.

5I pledge to vote against any and all increase in taxes, and the creation of any new taxes including taxes labeled as fees, fines, penalties, etc. and will work to lower and eliminate taxes as well.

6I pledge to work towards repealing the 16th amendment and eliminating the income tax.

7I pledge to work towards auditing and eliminating the Federal Reserve System and eliminating the legal tender laws, and will pursue audits of all our national monetary reserves.

8I pledge to vote against any and all bailouts, increases to the national debt, and all unbalanced budgets, and will work to lower and eliminate the national debt.

9I pledge to fight for the rights of every unborn child and vote against any legislation that will deprive our future generations of their lives, their liberty, and their opportunity to pursue happiness.

10I pledge to stand up for the rights of the People and the States, and will work to remove all federal agencies, mandates, and laws that are not expressly listed in the U.S. Constitution.

If only we could get EVERY candidate to make such commitments, America would be truly great once more!!

If you would like to sign the Pledge, go to http://www.nathandahm.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&Itemid=137

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Official Endorsement of the Founder of the Tulsa Teaparty: Governor

Image by sroemerm via Flickr

This post will start my series of official endorsements of candidates for many offices throughout the state, including Statewide, Regional, and Local races.Each of these posts will include personal, as well as, tangible reasons for my endorsements. Each of the candidates that I endorse, will have been personally vetted, by me, and are the candidates that I truly believe, embody the ideals of the Tulsa Tea Party, as well as, the Tea Party Movement, in general.

Each candidate that I endorse, will also receive a recommendation to several national groups, including the American Liberty Alliance, the Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party Patriots, Freedom Works, and several other groups, with which I am affiliated, or have connections to.

My first official endorsement will come as no surprise to those who read my blog.

For Governor of Oklahoma, I am endorsing State Senator Randy Brogdon!

Randy Brogdon has been a staunch supporter of, and involved in, the Tea Party Movement, since the very beginning. He was one of the first speakers at the first Tea Party in Tulsa, on February 27, 20o9. Since then, he has spoken at numerous Tea Party events, throughout the state of Oklahoma.

His message has never wavered, and remains one that is easy for the Tea Party to get behind. It is a message of Liberty, Freedom, a strict adherence to the US & Oklahoma Constitutions, and Limited Government. It is a message, not of Revolution, but of RESTORATION.

As Randy says,

One common thread woven throughout humanity is the innate desire to be free. Our nation is blessed because liberty is one of the basic rights given to us by God. As freedom expands, the natural order demands that government’s role decreases in our society and personal lives. Freedom is not guaranteed and we all must play our part to protect it and pass it on to the next generation.

Randy is a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, with a true understanding of the purpose of our Right to Bear Arms! The Gun Owners of America, the nations 2nd Largest Gun Rights Advocacy Group, has endorsed Randy. He has also authored a bill to protect all firearms, and ammunition, manufactured and sold, within the State of Oklahoma, from any Federal regulations that attempt to infringe on our 2nd Amendment Rights.

“I am one of the few elected officials,” says Brogdon, “who truly understands what the Second Amendment is all about. It’s not about a turkey shoot, or a quail hunt, it’s really not even about me being able to protect myself from you, or vice versa. The Second Amendment states that you and I have theright to bear arms in the event that the federal government gets out of control.”

Randy is also a leader in the 10th Amendment battle to defend States’ Rights. He authored SJR10, otherwise known as, the 1oth Amendment Resolution, in 2008, designed to protect states rights and prevent the federal government from overexerting its legislative power. Thanks to his work on the 10th Amendment Initiative, he was invited to speak to the Pennsylvania State Legislature, in March 2009.

Senator Brogdon’s message of a return to our Constitutional principles is best summed up in this statement

Standing up for the Constitution has never been the easy way out, but I believe it’s the ONLY way out!

Oklahoma needs a governor who has a record of standing standing up to the  federal government. Oklahoma MUST have a leader who not only understands the states rights and the limitations of the federal government, but who will stand against the status quo to protect their freedom!

That is why, as the founder of the Tulsa Tea Party, I feel that the ONLY choice for our next Governor is Randy Brogdon!

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Gun Owners of America Endorse Randy Brogdon for Oklahoma Governor!

Gun Owners of America
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Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund Endorses Randy Brogdon for Governor

For Immediate Release
Contact: John Velleco

March 5, 2010

(Springfield, VA)  Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is proud to announce the endorsement of Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma.

“State Senator Brogdon is a leader in protecting Second Amendment rights and in the battle against federal intrusion in Oklahoma,” said Tim Macy, Vice-Chairman of Gun Owners of America.

“Senator Brogdon stood up for states‘ rights when he opposed the 2005 Real ID Act, a law that would have compromised the privacy of gun owners,” said Mr. Macy.  “He has stood up and supported every pro-Second Amendment bill that came up in the State Senate, including several votes for implementing the castle doctrine in Oklahoma.

“This year Senator Brogdon has authored one of the brightest and boldest pro-gun bills ever introduced in the Sooner State. The bill is modeled after Montana’s Firearms Freedom Act. It says that any firearm made in Oklahoma and kept in the state is exempt from federal regulation.”

GOA also points out Sen. Brogdon’s clear understanding of the Second Amendment’s role in a free society. “I am one of the few elected officials,” says Brogdon, “who truly understands what the Second Amendment is all about. It’s not about a turkey shoot, or a quail hunt, it’s really not even about me being able to protect myself from you, or vice versa. The Second Amendment states that you and I have the right to bear arms in the event that the federal government gets out of control.”

Brogdon, having spent 30 years owning and operating his own business in Oklahoma, has learned the value of persistence and hard work. He is the father of two grown sons and has been married to his wife, Donna, for 37 years. He has served in the State Senate since 2002, and has worked tirelessly to ensure the prosperity and sovereignty for the people of Oklahoma.

“Gun Owners of America is proud to support Randy Brogdon for Governor, and encourages all Oklahoma gun owners and sportsmen to get behind the Brogdon campaign as a volunteer and with financial support,” said Mr. Macy.

Gun Owners of America is a grassroots lobbying organization with over 300,000 members nationwide.  Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is a project of Gun Owners of America

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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A Constitutional Republic, or a Democracy?

John Trumbull's painting, Declaration of Indep...
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In the Pledge of Allegiance we all pledge allegiance to our Republic, not to a democracy. “Republic” is the proper description of our government, not “democracy.”

A republic and a democracy are identical in every aspect except one. In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person. In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group.

A Republic is the form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. In a republic the group only has advisory powers; the sovereign individual is free to reject the majority group-think.

A Democracy is the form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation. In a pure democracy, 51% beats 49%. In other words, the minority has no rights. The minority only has those privileges granted by the dictatorship of the majority.

There is a tendency to think of America as a democracy. Sometimes this is explicit, with people saying things to the effect that we need to protect American democracy. At other times, it’s implicit, with politicians spouting that we should heed the “will of the people,” regardless of how much harm that will might cause.

However, the Founding Fathers, expressed fear, and even revulsion at the idea of a establishing a Democracy, and specifically established a Constitutional Republic.

Thomas Jeffferson said “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”

And, Alexander Hamilton wrote, in the Federalist Papers, “We are a Republican Government, Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of democracy…it has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.”

“That the desires of the majority of the people are often for injustice and inhumanity against the minority, is demonstrated by every page of the history of the world.” – John Adams

And, I could go on. I have seen lists with as many as 500 quotes from our Founding Father’s about the evils of Democracy!

Democracy is the RULE of the Majority, with the entire Group voting on every piece of legislation, directly. Whereas in a Constitutional Republic, representatives are elected to make laws for the entire Group, but they are limited in the scope of powers they have, and therefore, what they laws they can actually make. No matter how much the Group calls for a law, if it is not allowed within the confines of the Constitution, the Representatives can NOT make that law.

What difference does that make? Well, in a Democracy, all you have to do is get 51% of the Group to agree with you, and your view becomes LAW. Within a pure republic, the Majority can still effectively make this the case by simply electing their representatives, but in a Constitutional Republic, we have safeguards in place to protect the Minority from the Majority. The Constitution is in place to protect us from the rule of the MOB. This is what makes a constitutional republic better than a democracy or a straight republic. With a constitutional republic, our rights and liberties are far more solid than in either of the other two forms of government.

But, if we shirk our duties, and don’t hold our Representatives accountable to the Constitution, then we end up with what we have now, a de facto Democracy, in which whoever screams loudest, gets what they want, and everyone else is left wanting.

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. – Oscar Wilde

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The Tea Party Platform

First page of Constitution of the United States
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These are a basis of ideals from many sources, and my own beliefs, that i believe should be the basis of the Tea Party Movement, and thereby, the Platform of whatever party claims to be conservative! (This means YOU GOP!)

  • All forms of government must abide by the boundaries set forth in state and federal constitutions. The 10th Amendment gives the State Legislatures, ALL rights not explicitly granted to the Federal Government. The Sovereignty of the States MUST be upheld!
  • All pork and earmarks in the stimulus, omnibus bills, and bailouts must be reversed and repealed. The national budget must be balanced. Spending cuts, not increased taxation should be used to balance the budget. Excessive national debt is generational theft, and stealing the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We MUST have a Balanced Budget Amendment!
  • Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness implies personal responsibility, not handouts, free-enterprise and capitalism, not government controlled economies. Some people choose to be irresponsible (and of course some fall on hard times due to circumstances), but it is not the responsibility of the general public, vis-a-vis government intervention, to guarantee or bailout irresponsibility and failure. Private individuals and organizations give out of compassion and generosity, not compulsion through taxation, laws, and pork barrel projects. NO MORE SOCIALIST WELFARE STATE PROJECTS!
  • ALL elected and appointed officials are under the employment and serve at the will of We the People. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Government of the People, by the People and for the People”. Neither major political party is “clean” on these issues. Both Democrats and Republicans have taxed excessively and neither have restrained the hand of government effectively. There are certainly individual representatives who have been faithful to their constituents and to the Constitution. However, too many are engaged in protecting their congressional positions and turf. The majority of government officials have insulated themselves from the people they serve, and hold themselves above the law. We are simply saying, “No, you aren’t above the law”. Stay within the Constitution, or we will retire you at the next election. Term Limits for ALL elected officials! NO MORE CAREER POLITICIANS!
  • America‘s boarder’s MUST be protected! The illegal immigration issue must be addressed. NO AMNESTY for illegal immigrants. No more social services for illegal immigrants. Medical treatment in case of emergency only, and then immediate deportation upon recovery. 6 month residency requirement before the child born of a non-US citizen gets automatic citizenship status. No more late term pregnancies crossing the border just to have a child and gain citizenship. NO MORE ANCHOR BABIES!
  • No more dependence on foreign oil! We must start drilling our own oil, and building new refineries, in addition to researching viable alternatives to oil.
  • The Federal Reserve System must be ended, and the entire tax code must be revamped. TAX OUR MONEY ONCE, AND THEN LEAVE US ALONE! No more taxing our wages, taxing our spending, taxing our saving, taxing our living, and taxing our dying!
  • Repeal ALL gun control laws that infringe on the freedoms of LAW ABIDING citizens to bear arms.
  • Put a halt to ALL legislation, that infringes on Freedom of Speech, including, but not limited to the “Fairness Doctrine”

This is the platform that I would like to see. It’s not perfect, nor does it cover EVERY hot button issue. But, these are ideals that, I believe, MOST can agree on. I call now for the Republican Party to adopt this platform, or one much like it, now, and quit sitting on the fence!

The gauntlet has been thrown! I ask again,


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