A Warning from the Holocaust…. Wake Up! Before It’s Too Late!

Romani arrivals in the Bełżec extermination ca...
Image via Wikipedia

We all have those friends. You know who I’m talking about. The guy who says “I’m just not that into politics.” Or the lady who says “What difference does it make? There all crooks anyway!

Well, I have a Warning For EVERYONE!

First, let me give you the original, Pastor Niemöller’s timeless warning:

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

But, the modern version would go something like this:

They came first for the militia members,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a militia member.
Then they came for the Oath Keepers,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an Oath Keeper.
Then they came for the Tea Party,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Tea Partier.
Then they came for me

and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Think about it! If you aren’t doing your part, yet, got to http://www.libertyforge.us and



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Great PRIVATE Social Network! Perfect for Tea Party Patriots who are concerned with Privacy!

I know you’ve been hearing all the news about social networks and the privacy issues and the selling of user information to advertisers, companies, etc.

Well I got invited to a new social network that keeps it’s members information TOTALLY private and so I joined.  They don’t let search engines crawl the site, AND they don’t sell any of my information.

They don’t even allow Ads because Ads can have stuff like spyware, malware and tracking software.

Instead they charge $10 a month but it’s worth it to me to know my information is kept private and is not for sale.

Plus I really like what the company stands for.

They give away 10% of all their revenues to charities that the community recommends.  They call it Social-Minded Social Networking!  (Like it!)

Oh…the name of the company is Crazygood! (Love that!) And to motivate everyone to invite their friends, they share half of the $10 with the members who help them build this community.

So come be my “Crazygood” friend…it’s better :) It’s by invitation only so THIS IS YOUR INVITATION!

Email me at batcot@gmail.com for your PERSONAL Invite key, then go to http://www.crazygood.com, click Join Now, enter your email address and the Invite key, in the space provided, then invite your friends!

Have a CRAZY GOOD day!

(And I know you, you’re thinking ‘but my network is free’, no it isn’t, you pay with your information.  And you don’t get to share in the company revenues do you….well…do you….didn’t think so!  Just giving you a hard time. But it’s true.)

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Tulsa Tea party Founder Endorsements for the July 27th GOP Primary!

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr

I have been asked numerous times for a Comprehensive list  of my endorsements in the July 27th GOP Primaries, as the founder of the Tulsa Tea Party.  So, I have put together this list of candidates that,  I believe, best embody the ideals of the  Tea Party Movement. In some of the races,  such as US Congress District 2, there were several quality candidates to choose from. In others, such as the Governor’s Race,  the choice is very clear. If a race is not listed here, it means that, either, I do not know enough about the candidates in the race, or that none of the candidates, in that race, fit the ideals of smaller Government, and opposition to all Federal Government Bailouts of  Private Industry, that the Tea Party Movement was founded upon.

So, here are my endorsements:

Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma

John Wright for Lt. Governor of Oklahoma

Scott Pruitt for Attorney General

Nathan Dahm for US House OK District 1

Dan Arnett for US House OK District 2

RJ Harris for US House OK District 4

James Lankford for US House OK District 5

David Mclain for Oklahoma Senate District 10

Tim Coager for Oklahoma Senate District 34

David Tackett for Wagoner County Commissioner District 1

Ken Yazel for Tulsa County Tax Assessor

Drew Rees for Tulsa County Commissioner District 3

Nathan Dahm for US Congress Oklahoma District 1

This is Nathan Dahm’s Commercial in the Oklahoma 1st Congressional District Primary Race!

Tulsa Tea Party Founder Endorses Nathan Dahm For US Congress Ok District 1

Tulsa Tea Party founder, Jai Blevins, today announces his endorsement of Nathan Dahm in the GOP Primary for Oklahoma’s 1st Congressional District.

Mr. Dahm has set himself apart from the other candidates, including incumbent John Sullivan, though his Oath to Oklahoma, a pledge that includes commitments to a self-imposed term limit, refusal of Congressional perks, working to protect the 2nd Amendment, and working to Audit, and end, the Federal Reserve. Mr. Dahm has been a supporter of, and involved in, the Tea Party Movement in the Tulsa area, since it’sinception on Feb 27, 2009. He believes in, and stands for the ideals of the Tea Party, and is the candidate for the Tulsa Tea party.

I urge everyone to visit his website, and read his positions on the issues affecting America, and I believe that you will agree.

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Economists say the Stimulus Didn’t Help! #tcot #oktcot #teaparty #fb

A vector image of :Image:Capitalismlogo.
Image via Wikipedia

The recovery is picking up steam as employers boost payrolls, but economists think the government’s stimulus package and jobs bill had little to do with the rebound, according to a survey released Monday.

the latest quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economics, the index that measures employment, showed job growth for the first time in two years — but a majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact.

NABE conducted the study by polling 68 of its members who work in economic roles at private-sector firms. About 73% of those surveyed said employment at their company is neither higher nor lower as a result of the $787 billion Recovery Act. That sentiment is shared for the recently passed $17.7 billion jobs bill that calls for tax breaks for businesses that hire, and additional infrastructure spending. More than two-thirds of those polled believe the measure won’t affect payrolls, while 30% expect it to boost hiring “moderately.”

As usual, the free market, is taking care of itself, and correcting, despite Government interference! This debate, is really about Keynesian Economics, which is the theory that the economy can be boosted if the government borrows money and then gives it to people so they will spend it. This supposedly “primes the pump” as the money circulates through the economy. Keynesian theory sounds good, and it would be nice if it made sense, but it has a rather glaring logical fallacy. It overlooks the fact that, in the real world, government can’t inject money into the economy without first taking money out of the economy. More specifically, the theory only looks at one-half of the equation — the part where government puts money in the economy’s right pocket. But where does the government get that money? It borrows it, which means it comes out of the economy’s left pocket. There is no increase in what Keynesians refer to as aggregate demand. Keynesianism doesn’t boost national income, it merely redistributes it. The pie is sliced differently, but it’s not any bigger.

The real world evidence also shows that Keynesianism does not work. Both Hoover and Roosevelt dramatically increased spending, and neither showed any aversion to running up big deficits, yet the economy was terrible all through the 1930s. Keynesian stimulus schemes also were tried by Gerald Ford and George W. Bush and had no impact on the economy. Keynesianism also failed in Japan during the 1990s.

For some reason, though, the Federal Government keeps trying it, and it just keeps on failing. The only REAL stimulus, is to allow more money to stay in the PRIVATE Sector, so that it can be spent, rather than first taking it, and filtering it through the inefficiencies of Government bureaucracies first!

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Help Report Tea Party News That The Mainstream Ignores! #teaparty #tcot #oktcot #fb

Image by asterix611 via Flickr

Join www.beforeitsnews.com

Before It’s News is a fast growing News Utility and Website. We would like to have extensive coverage of the April 15th Tea Party gatherings and wantto extend an invitation to each and every Tea Party member or participant to help make News, as well as History by becoming contributors to our site.

Why should citizens do this?

1-It’s Faster-We are a “People Powered” site. Any posting of pictures, video or text is immediately available.

. Your news will be distributed faster than most other media outlets.

2-More Readers-We typically have News stories indexed to Google News in about 20 minutes.

So you will reach not only the large and growing base of users at Before It’s News but have extended

reach into the Internet for a much larger audience.

3-It’s Your Story-All stories are accepted just as received. We never change submitted content so you can tell the news in your own words.

So help us make News while you make History!





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Tax Day Tea Party Presented by OKforTEA #fb

Downtown Tulsa—Courthouse Plaza 5th & Denver Starts at 6:00 pm

Singer Stacey Finnerty, William Montague of the Black Republican Assoc., FairTax Association , and YOU.

That is right YOU!

No Politicians.

Just you and your voice about how YOU have been Taxed Enough Already!  We will have a stage & open mic that each person can use for 1 minute. What’s your BEEF? If you could speak directly to Washington, D.C. what would you say? Just keep it clean! All Ages Welcome! From the folks who brought you The National Tea Party Express Bus Tour!

Tax Day Tea Party 4-15-10 Flyer

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Some Criticize the Tea Party for Allowing Political Candidates to Speak #fb

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr
Some say that NO CANDIDATE should be allowed to speak at these get togethers no matter who they are or from what party they belong.
I disagree with the NO CANDIDATE, MANDATE.
If the purpose of the Tea party is to effect REAL Change, by peaceful means, then we must publicly invite to speak, and listen to local candidates that meet the criteria, and have proven track records of living by, the Tea party ideals.
It is beyond frustrating, to me, to have people who have not helped, nor volunteered to help, organize these rallies, sit back and complain about how they are done.
The point is to get the message across, and to allow for We the People, to hear from candidates who are striving to make a real difference.
If we don’t, we might as well be “he who beateth the air”, that the Bible speaks about!
Come ON people! It is time to throw off wishful thinking, and GET INVOLVED!! If you are not registered with one of the two major parties, then you are cutting off your own hands! If you don’t vote in the primaries, then SHUT UP about the choices we have in the General Election!
Now, if that pisses you off, so be it! You still need  to do it, or the whole experiment in Freedom and Liberty, that is America, is finished!
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Bus trip to Washington DC for the Glenn Beck Rally At the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 2010. #fb

Fans of Glenn Beck at the Taxpayer March on Wa...
Image via Wikipedia

Howdy Fellow Patriots!

If you have not made plans yet , NOW is the time!

Our 2 buses have really nice seats, 110v plug ins, WiFi, DVD players, refrigerators, microwave, coffee maker, and of course restrooms.

Round trip is $275.00 + $75.00 for one night At the Hampton Inns with hot breakfast.

Buses will leave Tulsa on Thursday August 26th at 6PM, and will return to Tulsa, about 6PM on Sunday August 29th.

Please email me, marylynn28281@yahoo.com, with more questions or call 918-313-4091,

I need deposits ASAP!

Thanks, And God Bless America!

Mary Lynn Hammond

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