Every Tea Party Patriot Should Read This!

Tea Party Movement
Image by wstera2 via Flickr

I did not write the following article, but it lays out EXACTLY what we, as a movement, must do, if we want to be a true “Force to be reckoned with!”

The Author, is Gary North, http://www.garynorth.com, a well respected, and long-time “hard-core” conservative activist.

Eight Unbreakable Rules for Hard-Core Tea Party Activists (or Any Other Special-Interest Coalition)

I joined the conservative movement in 1956 when I joined Fred Schwarz’s Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. I wrote an anti-FDR high school term paper in 1958. I supported the Goldwater for Vice President movement in 1960. I voted for Goldwater for President in 1964. I voted for Reagan’s Republican primary gubernatorial challenger in 1966, William Penn Patrick, because I thought Reagan was too liberal. (I was right; he imposed income tax withholding in his first term as governor.) I was Ron Paul’s first research assistant in 1976.

I am hard core. I have been hard core for a long time.

I am writing this for those of you who are equally hard core.

Here are ten facts of American national politics that you must understand to get meaningful change.

1. You can’t beat something with nothing.
2. 80% of politicians respond only to two things: (1) fear; (2) pain.
3. Bureaucrats (tenured) respond only to one thing: budget cuts.
4. Political reform never comes as long as the tax money flows in.
5. The #1 goal is to reduce the government’s funds, not re-direct them.
6. Congress’s club system sucks in 80% of new members by term #2.
7. Politicians listen to their peers, not to their constituents.
8. Money from the government buys off most voters.
9. Most citizens care little about politics and know less.
10. This gives influence to organized swing-vote blocs.

The political system was summed up a generation ago by the man I regard as the elder statesman of the hard-core wing of the American conservative movement, M. Stanton Evans: “Evans’s Law of Political Perfidy.”

When our friends get into power, they aren’t our friends any more.

To this, I add North’s Law of Partisan Politics:

When a movement is in either political party’s hip pocket, it will be sat on.

If you do not believe this, then you are a sheep for the shearing — and then, after several shearings, the roasting. You are on some politician’s menu.

These are eight basic rules of engagement. There may be others, but these are fundamental. If you do not believe these, you are headed for disappointment.

1. Vote for a hard-core challenger on the other side against a squishy incumbent. This rule separates the hard core members from the soft core members. It has a corollary: A first-term incumbent next election is easier to beat than a squishy incumbent this election. It is always hard to defeat an incumbent. Do what you can to defeat any incumbent, no matter which party he belongs to, if he is squishy on the issue you regard as fundamental. Why is this so important? Incumbents must become deathly afraid of your movement. Take out a few dozen of them in the next election and the one that follows, and many others will cooperate. As Sen. Everett Dirksen put it so long ago, “When we feel the heat, we see the light.” In short, you do not settle for the lesser of two evils. You eliminate them both, one election at a time: first the softie, then the newbie.

2. Hold your newly elected politician’s feet to the fire the first time he breaks ranks on a key vote. He is like a puppy. When he leaves a mess on the carpet, get out the switch. “Bad dog! Bad dog!” Let him remember that switch. Let him fear that switch. The second time he does it, warm up the car. You and he will be taking a trip to the pound. You are his voter only for as long as he is your representative. Politicians respond to only two things: fear and pain.

3. Get him to sign a resignation letter. Before you work for him, make sure he has signed a resignation letter. This letter says the following:

To the voters of [district, state]:I am making this public. If I ever vote for [whatever], I will turn in my letter of resignation to the [government body] within 24 hours.

If I fail to do this, I expect voters to vote against me at the next election, since I clearly cannot be trusted.

I expect my opponent in the primary to defeat me next time, and if he doesn’t, my opponent in the general election will. And should.

Very truly yours,

Name Candidate for [whatever]

This is a political suicide letter. You will see who is serious about your #1 issue and who is not by means of a signed resignation letter. Post it online. If he refuses to sign it, start working to undermine him after he defeats the squishy incumbent. Above all, do not trust him.

No candidate will sign more than a few of these. Any candidate who will not sign at least one is just another glory-seeking, power-seeking, retirement bonanza-seeking political hack. Like a drone bee who is useful only once in his life, he is useful for only one thing: defeating a squishy incumbent.

You say he refuses to sign? Don’t donate any money or time to his campaign. You should vote for him against a squishy incumbent, but you will immediately start working to replace him.

4. Track all of his votes on your #1 issue, and post them online. The Congress deliberately seeks to conceal voting results. Your committee must keep track of every vote related to your interest. This means that someone must follow the voting schedule. If there is no record of his vote, call his office. Ask for an email with his vote recorded. My suggestion: make sure he has an assistant send an email to your committee after every vote in this area, explaining it. Post all of this without alteration. If he breaks ranks, make sure you have a clear statement of why this was a bad vote.

This is boring. This is time-consuming. This is vital. You must see if there is a pattern in his voting on your issue.

I wish there were watchdog sites that cover every vote. Be sure there is one for your special interest.

WordPress is free (www.WordPress.org). A domain name costs $10 a year to register. A multi-site hosting service like Hostgator is $10 a month or less. Have a separate site for every candidate and elected official.

This would make a great civics project for home schoolers: track a candidate for the school year. Then turn the task over to a new student. Have the committee run the sites, but students can do the grunt work. It is good practice.

5. Find out who his largest campaign donors are. This will tell you who will have the most clout when he takes office. Investigate the PACs. Investigate the donors who send in the maximum donation allowed. Are they members of one group? Post this information on the site that you set up to monitor his votes.

6. Instill fear. This is your #1 task, once he takes office.

7. Inflict pain. This is the basis of #6.

8. Trust, but verify. If your group refuses to verify, it should not trust.

Politics is not based on love, because civil government is based on coercion. Do not impose “tough love” on a politician. He is not to love you. He is to obey you. You are not to love him. You are to monitor him. Impose negative sanctions and positive sanctions wisely.

Politicians surround themselves with young men and young women who serve as staffers, plus a few old-timers who have survived in the staffing system and who are unimpressed with their bosses, but are even less impressed with the boss’s constituents. Politicians spend time in each other’s company. They are not much impressed with their colleagues, but they are very impressed with themselves. They are not impressed by their constituents. Finally, they spend time raising money. So, they have to spend time with lobbyists.

I shall now end my little lesson on politics with a verbatim citation from one of the great masters of state-wide politics, Jesse Unruh. He was the Speaker of the California Assembly in the late 1960s. He was known as Big Daddy. He ran against Ronald Reagan in 1970 and lost. But he later was elected state Treasurer. Here is what he said about the proper attitude toward lobbyists:

“If you can’t eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, and still vote against them, you have no business being up here.”

So committed was he to this philosophy of life that he chose to die of prostate cancer at age 65 rather than have his prostate surgically removed, because he would not risk the sexual impotence that might result from surgical removal.

He loved dealing with lobbyists.

We are dealing with dedicated people. We are dealing with power-seeking, often ruthless people. Don’t try to buy them off. Don’t try to sweet-talk them. If they don’t vote the way you want them to vote, defeat them. This, they understand. This, they fear.

Either they are on your menu, or you are on theirs. I suggest the former.

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Thank You Oklahoma Patriots! Now Back to Work!

Image by Marissa Babin via Flickr

I woke up that first morning after, Wednesday 7/28/10, still in a bit of a daze. It was done, over, finite. And for what? Then my heart turned to the candidates. Even Tuesday evening I felt heartache for each one of them and their families. As the day progressed I could see, or, more accurately, feel, the same feelings from many other supporters. Some expressed themselves, but there was a painful aching quietness in the forums where we have found our voice. We have begun to put our boots back on and pick up our armor to keep fighting. We must. It is our duty. Do or die.

But before I launch into my version of a call to action, let me take a moment to say “Thank You.”

To our Liberty & Constitution Candidates –

We owe you a debt of gratitude that words cannot convey. Through much prayer you, and your families, stepped out and made personal commitments and sacrifices for the cause of Liberty. You stood as beacons of hope to a group of confused citizens waking up in a dark hour. Many times we tried to put you on pedestals, but time after time you would climb down to work side by side with us and reach out to more people. Through physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, financial strains, and, at times, shock and horror at the activities of others, you didn’t quit. Your head was held high. You gave us a rally point, leadership, and a way to be involved. Seeing one of your signs is a bittersweet moment, but we would do it all over again.

To the many volunteers –

For some of you, this wasn’t your first rodeo – Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences. For many of us it was our first time – Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zones and getting involved. All of the volunteers that stood up and said “I will be counted, I will not go down without a fight, I will stand in the gap.” Thank you for your time, your money, your service, and your prayers.

Now that we have taken a moment to breathe and catch a little sleep – we must keep moving. The message of Liberty, duty, honor, and responsibility reached many people, but there are still many, many more to reach. I know we are not the first citizens to realize we need a restoration in this country, but we have been in danger of being the last, or not even existing ourselves. Years of apathy have gotten us to this point. Some of us have finally awakened. Now it’s our turn to give new meaning to the phrase “The Great Awakening.” There are so many cliché phrases I could use to remind us why we should still vote in the runoffs and general elections. Just remember, the war is not over. It will not be over this November and it will not be over in November 2012.

Liberty is a responsibility – it must be maintained.

Before I go, I would like to ask that we take a moment to create some type of memorial to this courageous fight in 2010. The “winners” always write the history books. This is our opportunity to prove we are not silent and our voices will be heard. I invite all of you – candidates, campaign staff, volunteers, citizens – to share some of your memories, personal experiences, and photos from this campaign season. There will come a time when we are part of history. The entire story should be told. It is the responsibility of our local, state, and national party to represent all of us, even if we didn’t “win.” If they won’t do it, let’s do it ourselves.

Thank you for your time, your sacrifice, and your indulgence. God Bless America!

Thank you!

Dawn M Blevins

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Tulsa Tea party Founder Endorsements for the July 27th GOP Primary!

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr

I have been asked numerous times for a Comprehensive list  of my endorsements in the July 27th GOP Primaries, as the founder of the Tulsa Tea Party.  So, I have put together this list of candidates that,  I believe, best embody the ideals of the  Tea Party Movement. In some of the races,  such as US Congress District 2, there were several quality candidates to choose from. In others, such as the Governor’s Race,  the choice is very clear. If a race is not listed here, it means that, either, I do not know enough about the candidates in the race, or that none of the candidates, in that race, fit the ideals of smaller Government, and opposition to all Federal Government Bailouts of  Private Industry, that the Tea Party Movement was founded upon.

So, here are my endorsements:

Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma

John Wright for Lt. Governor of Oklahoma

Scott Pruitt for Attorney General

Nathan Dahm for US House OK District 1

Dan Arnett for US House OK District 2

RJ Harris for US House OK District 4

James Lankford for US House OK District 5

David Mclain for Oklahoma Senate District 10

Tim Coager for Oklahoma Senate District 34

David Tackett for Wagoner County Commissioner District 1

Ken Yazel for Tulsa County Tax Assessor

Drew Rees for Tulsa County Commissioner District 3

Nathan Dahm for US Congress Oklahoma District 1

This is Nathan Dahm’s Commercial in the Oklahoma 1st Congressional District Primary Race!

Who Is Your Pick for the Oklahoma US Congress District 1 GOP Primary?


Final Results of the Poll:

Total votes Cast: 211

Nathan Dahm: 101

Patrick Haworth: 59

John Sullivan: 36

Kenneth Rice: 14

Fran Moghaddam: 1

Again, this poll had some issues, because I forgot to block both Cookies an IP addresses from Repeat voting, when I first released it. This led to one candidates camp figuring that out, and gaming the system, so that their numbers were increasing at a rate of approximately 20 votes per minute. So, I deleted that poll, and recreated it. Following that, the poll moved at a more normal rate. So, these numbers ARE representative of the readers of this blog, and those whom I reach through Twitter and Facebook.

These numbers, actually, are fairly similar to most of the Straw Polls that have been run in District 1 in the last 3 months, with one exception. While Nathan Dahm continues to gain steam, and John Sullivan continues to lose ground, Sullivan’s decline is accelerating,  and a 2nd candidate has passed him. Patrick Haworth is starting to make noise, and it looks like this race may come down to the 2 newcomers, with the RINO Bailout voter John Sullivan being the odd man out. Also, as I have said before, both Kenneth Rice and Fran Moghaddam, are non-factors in this race!


Because of the Questionable way in which the numbers were moving in the previous poll, I have deleted it, and started over!

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Who is your pick for the Oklahoma Lt Governor GOP Primary?


Final Poll Results

Total Votes: 105

John A Wright: 79

Todd Lamb: 17

Paul Nosak: 9

This race really doesn’t seem to have captured quite the interest of most of the other races. However, it looks like, amongst the hardcore Tea Party Movement, which are most of my readers, that John Wright, like Randy Brogdon, really resonates. His high conservative rating during his time in the State House of Representatives, as opposed to the Lukewarm Conservative rating of Todd Lamb, definitely carries alot of weight. Paul Nosak, is starting to gain a little ground in some of the straw polls, he still trails both Wright & Lamb.


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Help Report Tea Party News That The Mainstream Ignores! #teaparty #tcot #oktcot #fb

Image by asterix611 via Flickr

Join www.beforeitsnews.com

Before It’s News is a fast growing News Utility and Website. We would like to have extensive coverage of the April 15th Tea Party gatherings and wantto extend an invitation to each and every Tea Party member or participant to help make News, as well as History by becoming contributors to our site.

Why should citizens do this?

1-It’s Faster-We are a “People Powered” site. Any posting of pictures, video or text is immediately available.

. Your news will be distributed faster than most other media outlets.

2-More Readers-We typically have News stories indexed to Google News in about 20 minutes.

So you will reach not only the large and growing base of users at Before It’s News but have extended

reach into the Internet for a much larger audience.

3-It’s Your Story-All stories are accepted just as received. We never change submitted content so you can tell the news in your own words.

So help us make News while you make History!





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Some Criticize the Tea Party for Allowing Political Candidates to Speak #fb

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr
Some say that NO CANDIDATE should be allowed to speak at these get togethers no matter who they are or from what party they belong.
I disagree with the NO CANDIDATE, MANDATE.
If the purpose of the Tea party is to effect REAL Change, by peaceful means, then we must publicly invite to speak, and listen to local candidates that meet the criteria, and have proven track records of living by, the Tea party ideals.
It is beyond frustrating, to me, to have people who have not helped, nor volunteered to help, organize these rallies, sit back and complain about how they are done.
The point is to get the message across, and to allow for We the People, to hear from candidates who are striving to make a real difference.
If we don’t, we might as well be “he who beateth the air”, that the Bible speaks about!
Come ON people! It is time to throw off wishful thinking, and GET INVOLVED!! If you are not registered with one of the two major parties, then you are cutting off your own hands! If you don’t vote in the primaries, then SHUT UP about the choices we have in the General Election!
Now, if that pisses you off, so be it! You still need  to do it, or the whole experiment in Freedom and Liberty, that is America, is finished!
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Pictures from the Tea Party Express III in Tulsa!

Tea party rally in Washington DC
Image by Messay Photography via Flickr

The Tea Party Express III stopped in Tulsa at the QT Center, and it was a great event!

Thanks goes out to OKforTea, the Tulsa 912 Project, and 1170 KFAQ, for their efforts in getting the Tour to stop here! This is the 2nd Major National Tour that these 3 have combined to bring to Tulsa, in the last Month!

They were also the driving forces behind bringing in the Taking Our Country Back Tour, with Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, John Rich, and Gretchen Wilson!

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Rumor: USA Patriots “Tea Party” is AstroTurf! #fb

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr

I have had dealings with this group in the past, and they have always been a problem. They have steadfastly refused to work with any of the other groups, including the Tulsa Tea Party, Tulsa 912 Project, and OkforTea.

Now, I think I know why. It turns out, that they are an “AstroTurf” group. Rumor has it, that they are wholly funded by KRMG and Bailout voter Congressman John Sullivan. They even had Sullivan speak at their rally last year, after the original Tulsa Tea Party had refused his request, when he refused to publicly apologize for his Bailout vote. They wouldn’t even exist, actually, if it weren’t for KRMG refusing to help the original Tulsa Tea Party, when they were not granted exclusivity. They then turned to this group, and immediately started trying to undermine the original Tulsa Tea party, by promoting their event as THE Tulsa Tea Party.

Even after that, the Tulsa Tea Party, approached them about combining efforts, so that we could all be more effective. Instead, they not only refused that overture, but when some members of their original group, OkforTea,  questioned their motives, they split with them, as well, and formed their own, the USA Patriots. Then, they set about trying to undermine the efforts of the others. Even stooping to the level of putting signs up, the night before,  around the entrances to the 4th of July rally that OkforTea put on at Haikey Creek Park, in Broken Arrow. Their signs said that the event had been moved to their venue. If the organizers from OKforTea had not gone back to the park, people would have seen those signs, and probably not attended ANY Tea Party, because the weather was so bad, they would have just gone home, rather than driving across town, after taking the time to drive to Broken Arrow. These kinds of underhanded tactics, epitomize the way they have dealt with the real Tea Party Movement.

This group has fooled a great number of people, but let me set the record straight, they are not a grassroots movement. They are a “bought and paid for” AstroTurf group, riding the coat tails of the real Tea party Movement, for profit.

Where were they when we were having rallies and symposiums and town halls against the healthcare reform? Where were they, when the cities of Tulsa and Broken Arrow were fighting against HUGE tax and spend bond issues?

I strongly encourage EVERYONE to skip the event that they are hosting at the QT Center on April 15th, and instead, attend the Event being planned, hosted, and attended by OkforTea, the Tulsa 912 Project, and the founder of the original Tulsa Tea Party.

It will, again, be in the mezzanine between the Tulsa County Courthouse, and the Tulsa Library, in downtown Tulsa, which is where last year’s Tax Day Tea Party Rally was held.  The rally will start at 6pm, and more information is on the way.

As soon as the Flyer is ready, I will post it here!

Jai Blevins

Founder of the Original Tulsa Tea Party

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