Some Interesting Speeches from Mary Fallin

Official U.S. House of Representatives photo o...
Image via Wikipedia

Here are some sound bites from Bailout voting RINO Mary Fallin. If you are still a Mary Fallin supporter after listening to all of these, then you are NOT a Conservative! You are a Big Government loving, Nanny State teet sucking Liberal! (The opinions expressed in this blog DO represent the feelings and opinions of the author and founder of the Tulsa Tea Party!)

Especially listen closely to the last video around the 4 minute mark, when she says that the Constitution is the “easy way out.”

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Some Criticize the Tea Party for Allowing Political Candidates to Speak #fb

Tulsa Tea Party
Image by randylane via Flickr
Some say that NO CANDIDATE should be allowed to speak at these get togethers no matter who they are or from what party they belong.
I disagree with the NO CANDIDATE, MANDATE.
If the purpose of the Tea party is to effect REAL Change, by peaceful means, then we must publicly invite to speak, and listen to local candidates that meet the criteria, and have proven track records of living by, the Tea party ideals.
It is beyond frustrating, to me, to have people who have not helped, nor volunteered to help, organize these rallies, sit back and complain about how they are done.
The point is to get the message across, and to allow for We the People, to hear from candidates who are striving to make a real difference.
If we don’t, we might as well be “he who beateth the air”, that the Bible speaks about!
Come ON people! It is time to throw off wishful thinking, and GET INVOLVED!! If you are not registered with one of the two major parties, then you are cutting off your own hands! If you don’t vote in the primaries, then SHUT UP about the choices we have in the General Election!
Now, if that pisses you off, so be it! You still need  to do it, or the whole experiment in Freedom and Liberty, that is America, is finished!
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Tulsa World Opinion Cartoons

City of Tulsa
Image via Wikipedia

Tulsa World Opinion Cartoonist, Bruce Plante, is at it again! As usual, his leftist views, and those of the Tulsa World,  are apparent in his Cartoons!  His most recent cartoon depicts those who were at the Taking America Back event this weekend, as mindless sheep, who will do whatever they are told by Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly, and the rest of the Conservative Talk world. While it may be good for a few laughs from the left, it is another in a long history of a the leftist, Progressive agendas of the Tulsa World.

Last week, it was this cartoon, picturing Randy Brogdon, as a buffoon (even calling him BrogDUM), in which he actually LIES. Senator Brogdon’s bill has nothing to do with Fully Automatic Weapons. It is actually a bill protecting the Sovereignty of the state of Oklahoma, from unconstitutional Federal Mandates. It is obvious that Mr. Plante intends to mislead, and influence the opinions of the readers!

You used to be able to open a newspaper, and get honest, and even-handed, articles and opinions. The Tulsa World, however, seems bent on taking us back to the age of “yellow Journalism“, in which sensationalism, and out-right lies, were propogated as news, in order to sell papers, and influence public opinion!

Newspapers around the country are going bankrupt, and they wonder why. In my opinion, it is the unbalanced reporting and editorials, which offend most average Americans!

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