Nathan Dahm Receives Official Endorsement of the Tulsa Tea Party Founder!

Washington DC - Capitol Hill: United States Ca...
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Nathan Dahm, a Republican Candidate for Oklahoma‘s first Congressional District, is a strong Liberty candidate, and has received my endorsement.

Nathan is running against the incumbent, and TARP voter,  John Sullivan, for the GOP nomination for US Congress.

Nathan’s credentials as a Liberty/ Tea Party Candidate, include his statement on the issues facing America.

There are 3 main issues confronting America today: money, power, and morality.

1. Our federal government is spending us into oblivion and digging a hole that the next 4 generations combined won’t be able to dig us out of. Simply put, we MUST get rid of the fiscal insanity currently running amock in D.C. and return to common sense fiscal responsibility.

2. Those in power have proven that they will do anything to remain in power- including breaking the law and violating the Constitution. It is time for a new generation of strong leaders to take the reigns. Men and women who are strong enough to say “NO” to the temptations of power, and return the power and control to the people.

3. There was a day in America when a man’s word was as good as gold. When children obeyed their parents. When ingenuity and creativity brought about some of the world’s greatest inventions. But we have allowed ourselves to become caloused, to tollerate government interference in our lives, businesses, homes, educations, and churches. And as our churches go, so goes the nation. It is time for our ministers to stand up and boldly proclaim that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Nathan is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Many people claim that the 2nd amendment only applies to the government’s right to maintain our military. But there are several sections within the Constitution that deal with the military; and the 2nd amendment and Bill of Rights were requested by the people AFTER the Constitution was written to further limit the federal government’s powers. Also, it specifically states that a militia is necessary to the security of a free state- not the security of the federal government.

Nathan is also a very strong advocate for States’ Rights

Amendments 9 and 10 of the Bill of Rights, plainly state that the federal government only has a few listed powers, with all others belonging to the states and the people. Ask yourself if you truly believe that career politicians and bureaucrats in D.C. can do a better job of running your life than you can. Does anyone really think this is so? Unfortunately most in D.C. believe it to be true. I believe that the people of Oklahoma know what is best for Oklahoma, and they should decide, not Congress.

And, he believes strongly in Personal Privacy, and Liberty

The Founders went to great lengths to make sure our rights to privacy and liberty were protected. They had just experienced the effects of a repressive regime: being forced to house enemy soldiers in their homes; soldiers searching through their papers and personal items without any just cause; sailors being kidnapped and forced to serve in the King’s Navy; and the list goes on. Of all the powers listed in the Constitution, only the powers granted to maintain a military and protect our shores concern the government protecting us.

His positions on these issues, coupled with the Official endorsement of OCPAC, have earned Nathan Dahm, the official endorsement of The Founder of the Tulsa Tea Party.

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  1. How exciting!!! Hope people get out and vote for Dahm in the primary on July 27th. Republicans always seem to win that district; so, get out and vote in the primary. November will be too late!

    • I agree with Corine! Please get out and vote. EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS!

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